When The World Knows Your Name
20/20 April 1989

It’s hardly surprising that this second album is so powerful when its predecessor was that rouser of a single, Real Gone Kid. The singles pure pop energy runs through the entire album. from the wheezy accordians of Queen Of The New Year to the charmingly simple Silhouette’. Ricky Ross’s knack for song writing and his husky tonsil-power draw the obvious comparisons with Prefab Sprout’s Paddy MacAloon and at times even Nick Heyward. but ranking alongside some of Britain’s best pop songwriters ain’t bad going.

With the gusty (and that’s gusty, not gutsy) accompanying vocals of Lorraine McIintosh, silky smooth arrangements of such wonders as The World Is Lit By Lightning and immaculate production at the hands of Warne Livesy, this album could be one of 89's finest mainstream moments. Pearls before Kylie Minogue fans. LLD